The Nature Bible


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A Taste of the Future






This year as World Vegan Day, 1st November 2021, coincides with the start of COP 26, The Vegan Society are promoting their work of bringing justice to the lives of animals but also to people who will suffer from the catastrophes of climate change. Their 'Plate up for the Planet' campaign with the message that individuals can take action and change what they eat to make a very real and positive impact on the environment, will be shared on billboards, buses, bikes and the underground, as well as with live events in Glasgow's centre and official government space - and will reach millions of others on-line.


If you're contemplating the switch to veganism, or even trying it out for a week or a fortnight during COP26, it might be helpful to know that switching to a plant-based diet can reduce your food-related carbon footprint by up to 50% and has many other benefits in terms of tackling deforestation, biodiversity loss and water usage. It has been their hope that when world leaders convene to discuss their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and corresponding action plans, food and farming would be high on the agenda so they're also at COP to support campaigns to get such a large contributor of global carbon emissions back into discussions.


"The climate crisis is high on the political agenda and, by connecting animal agriculture and dietary change as part of the solutions, we stand a real chance of encouraging incremental measures that support reductions in the use of animal products." Said The Vegan Society interim CEO Louise Davies.



If you'd like to explore more about the 'Plate up for the Planet' campaign along with ideas for tasty food swaps and a delicious, creative meal plan visit their website HERE. As The Vegan Society's branding strapline says, "One World. Many lives. Our choice."