The Nature Bible


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Branching out for a greener future



PLANT A TREE DURING NATIONAL TREE WEEK (27th November - 5th December 2021)



Originally 'Plant a Tree in '73' was a year-long response to Dutch Elm Disease, which then evolved into 'National Tree week' in 1975. Co-ordinated by the Tree Council (an umbrella charity for UK organisations involved in tree conservation) they have been encouraging communities to help their local environment by planting trees in November and December ever since! Over the years the event has drawn support from the Queen, several Prime Ministers and environment campaigners and has become the UK's largest annual celebration of trees and woods.


As we know trees are vital part of our ecosystem, taking in carbon from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen, providing homes and food for hundreds of insects, birds and small mammals, sheltering farm animals, protecting us from extreme weather by preventing soil erosion and flooding and spreading nutrients down throughout the earth.


"We can all plant a tree, whether in a pot on our doorstep, a hedge in the garden, or as part of a community event at a local park," say the Tree Council, who have produced a wonderful tree planting guide giving wonderfully helpful information about what tree to choose, and where and how to plant HERE.


You can also get in touch with your local Tree Warden Network and find out if they're organising any planting events near you HERE.


If you're feeling less 'hands-on' but would still like to participate, then why not join on one of The Tree Councils' amazing free webinars from discovering 'the mysteries of mistletoe' to 'an evening of flute, forest and film in the Scottish Highlands'? To find out more click Here.


You can follow the twitter hashtag #Plantforourfuture to keep up with all the action!