The Nature Bible


Inspiration · Resources

Leaving a Positive Paper Trail






Zero Hours' new campaign 'Origami Action for Nature' is a great activity for this month's Great Big Green Week (10th -18th June 2023) and an engaging way to enlist support for our natural world. As you are no doubt aware, the UK is one of the most nature-depleted places on our planet, with many of our beloved species and habitats in danger.


Paper artist, Tina Luo, has created three bespoke origami designs of some of the species that are at risk of extinction: the Common Nightingale, the Red Helleborine Orchid, and the Northern Pool Frog. There are simple step-by-step instructions and video guides on how to make whichever one you choose, which you are then encouraged to send to your local MP (there is a suggested draft letter online), asking them to support the Climate & Ecology Bill, which aims to halt and reverse our nature loss by 2030.


Simple, fun, and a novel way of attracting their attention whilst doing something positive for the environment!


For more information about each of the three threatened species mentioned, together with instructions and videos of how to make a paper one, and details of the Zero Hour campaign for the Climate and Ecology Bill please click HERE.


Photos above: Zero Hour