The Nature Bible


Wild Living

Following Suit?






Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, recently made a fashion appeal to his country - that many men have already embraced - that workers go tieless, to stay cool and save fuel. Turning up at a press conference on 29th July 2022 in Madrid, without wearing one himself, his plee was part of a series of energy saving measures, due to Spains recent heatwave.


"I would like you to see that I'm not wearing a tie." Said Sanchez. "We can all save from an energy point of view and I have asked the ministers and public officials, that when it is not necessary, they do not use it."

"And I would also like to ask the private sector that, if they haven't done it yet, when there is no need, they should not either wear a tie because, in that way, we will all be contributing to the energy savings that are so necessary in our country."


Around Europe similar tactics have been adopted and in the UK politicians were recently advised to drop their suit jackets in the House of Commons. One wonders what other items of clothing will be dropped next ...